Publications and Results


► Cordier, M., Uehara, T., Baztan, J., & Jorgensen, B. (2020). Plastic pollution and economic growth: the influence of corruption and the lack of education. Preprint ResearchGate. License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23198.97601. Available at researchgate

Cordier M. (2020). La technologie sauvera-t-elle l’océan des plastiques ? Conférence présentée le 12 mai 2020 à l’OPECST (Office Parlementaire d’Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques), organisme commun à l’Assemblée nationale et au Sénat, saisi par la commission de l’aménagement du territoire et du développement durable du Sénat d’une mission d’information sur la pollution plastique.

► Cordier M. & Uehara, T. (2019). How much innovation is needed to protect the ocean from plastic contamination?. Science of The Total Environment, Elsevier, Volume 670, 20 June 2019, Pages 789-799.

► Baztan J. (2020). Tendances et extrêmes de la pollution plastique sur le littoral : points clefs de 14 années d'observations. Conférence présentée le 26 mai 2020 à l’OPECST (Office Parlementaire d’Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques), organisme commun à l’Assemblée nationale et au Sénat, saisi par la commission de l’aménagement du territoire et du développement durable du Sénat d’une mission d’information sur la pollution plastique.

► Vanderlinden J.-P. (2020). Plastique, performativité du discours scientifique, création de sens, et éthique de la reconnexion. Conférence présentée le 6 juin 2020 à l’OPECST (Office Parlementaire d’Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques), organisme commun à l’Assemblée nationale et au Sénat, saisi par la commission de l’aménagement du territoire et du développement durable du Sénat d’une mission d’information sur la pollution plastique.

(within the context of WP1 Origin, maintenance and erosion of biodiversity: causes and consequences (Task 1.2. Biodiversity, ecosystem services and economic impacts of species translocations), WP 2 Health and Environment (Task 2.3. Impact of anthropogenic activities on water pollution of urban rivers) and WP-TR A transdisciplinary approach for transition towards sustainability (Task TR.2 Quantitative analytical task that relies on macro-economic modelling to determine which economic paths would allow sustainable targets))


Sansilvestri, R.; Cordier, M.; Lescuyer, T. Winners and Losers in Energy Transition: Study Case of Wood Biomass Power-Plants Implementation in France. Forests 202112, 1139.

(within the context of WP1 Origin, maintenance and erosion of biodiversity: causes and consequences (Task 1.1. Carbon sequestration, biodiversity and social impact of fuelwood programs in France : when mitigation conflicts with adaptation))


► Baptiste Languille, Valérie Gros, Nicolas Bonnaire, Clément Pommier, Cécile Honoré, Christophe Debert, Laurent Gauvin, Salim Srairi, Isabella Annesi-Maesano, Basile Chaix & Karine Zeitouni. A methodology for the characterization of portable sensors for air quality measure with the goal of deployment in citizen science. Science of the Total Environment. 22 November 2019.

(within the context of WP2 Health and Environment (Task 2.1. Mobile Participatory Sensing for Air Quality, Exposure and Risks)


Bulteau J., Feuillet T., & Dantan S. (2019). Carpooling and carsharing for commuting in the Paris region: A comprehensive exploration of the individual and contextual correlates of their uses. Travel Behaviour and Society, Elsevier, 16, pp.77-87.

(within the context of WP2 Health and Environment (Task 2.1. Mobile Participatory Sensing for Air Quality, Exposure and Risks) and WP3 Climate change mitigation: impacts of air quality scenarios)


Claire Froger, Cécile Quantin, Johnny Gasperi, Emilie Caupos, Gaël Monvoisin, et al.. Impact of urban pressure on the spatial and temporal dynamics of PAH fluxes in an urban tributary of the Seine River (France). Chemosphere, Elsevier, 2018.

(within the context of WP2 Health and Environment (Task 2.3. Impact of anthropogenic activities on water pollution of urban rivers)


Claire Froger. Sources et dynamiques spatiales et temporelles des contaminations en éléments traces et hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques du continuum atmosphère - sol - rivière d'un bassin versant contrasté. Milieux et Changements globaux. Université Paris-Saclay, 2018. Français.

(within the context of WP2 Health and Environment (Task 2.3. Impact of anthropogenic activities on water pollution of urban rivers)


Claire Froger, Sophie Ayrault, Olivier Evrard, Gaël Monvoisin, Louise Bordier, et al.. Tracing the sources of suspended sediment and particle-bound trace metal elements in an urban catchment coupling elemental and isotopic geochemistry, and fallout radionuclides. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer Verlag, 2018, 25 (28), pp.28667 - 28681.

(within the context of WP2 Health and Environment (Task 2.3. Impact of anthropogenic activities on water pollution of urban rivers)


Claire Froger, Sophie Ayrault, Johnny Gasperi, Emilie Caupos, Gaël Monvoisin, et al.. Innovative combination of tracing methods to differentiate between legacy and contemporary PAH sources in the atmosphere-soil-river continuum in an urban catchment (Orge River, France). Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, 2019

(within the context of WP2 Health and Environment (Task 2.3. Impact of anthropogenic activities on water pollution of urban rivers)



WP 1 – Origin, maintenance and erosion of biodiversity: causes and consequences

Task 1.1. Carbon sequestration, biodiversity and social impact of fuelwood programs in France : when mitigation conflicts with adaptation

Winners and Losers in Energy Transition: Study Case of Wood Biomass Power-Plants Implementation in France

Task 1.2. Biodiversity, ecosystem services and economic impacts of species translocations

Plastic pollution and economic growth: the influence of corruption and the lack of education

La technologie sauvera-t-elle l’océan des plastiques ?

How much innovation is needed to protect the ocean from plastic contamination?

Tendances et extrêmes de la pollution plastique sur le littoral : points clefs de 14 années d'observations

Plastique, performativité du discours scientifique, création de sens, et éthique de la reconnexion


WP2 – Health and Environment

Task 2.1. Mobile Participatory Sensing for Air Quality, Exposure and Risks

A methodology for the characterization of portable sensors for air quality measure with the goal of deployment in citizen science

Carpooling and carsharing for commuting in the Paris region: A comprehensive exploration of the individual and contextual correlates of their uses

Questionnaire cadre d'entrevues

Task 2.2. Health risk due to pollen allergy

Task 2.3. Impact of anthropogenic activities on water pollution of urban rivers

Plastic pollution and economic growth: the influence of corruption and the lack of education

La technologie sauvera-t-elle l’océan des plastiques ?

How much innovation is needed to protect the ocean from plastic contamination?

Tendances et extrêmes de la pollution plastique sur le littoral : points clefs de 14 années d'observations

Plastique, performativité du discours scientifique, création de sens, et éthique de la reconnexion

Impact of urban pressure on the spatial and temporal dynamics of PAH fluxes in an urban tributary of the Seine River (France)

Sources et dynamiques spatiales et temporelles des contaminations en éléments traces et hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques du continuum atmosphère - sol - rivière d'un bassin versant contrasté

Tracing the sources of suspended sediment and particle-bound trace metal elements in an urban catchment coupling elemental and isotopic geochemistry, and fallout radionuclides

Innovative combination of tracing methods to differentiate between legacy and contemporary PAH sources in the atmosphere-soil-river continuum in an urban catchment (Orge River, France)


WP3 – Climate change mitigation: impacts of air quality scenarios

Carpooling and carsharing for commuting in the Paris region: A comprehensive exploration of the individual and contextual correlates of their uses


WP-TR A transdisciplinary approach for transition towards sustainability 

Task TR.2 Quantitative analytical task that relies on macro-economic modelling to determine which economic paths would allow sustainable targets

Plastic pollution and economic growth: the influence of corruption and the lack of education

La technologie sauvera-t-elle l’océan des plastiques ?

How much innovation is needed to protect the ocean from plastic contamination?

Tendances et extrêmes de la pollution plastique sur le littoral : points clefs de 14 années d'observations

Plastique, performativité du discours scientifique, création de sens, et éthique de la reconnexion